On Demand Courses - Course Schedule & Cost


All prices listed on this page are based on the course being purchased via a Purchase Order or direct payment to NTPS with NTPS standard terms.


EASA Bridging Course for Test Pilots & FTEs (course length & cost tailored as required) Estimated $10,000 - $999,000
EASA Flight Test Instructor Course Estimated $7,500 - $50,000
Flight Test Techniques Refresher Course Estimated $7,500 - $50,000
Technical Pilot Course for Production/Acceptance/Maintenance Flight Test $24,000 for scheduled class *
Flight Test Aviation Safety Course $1,500 for scheduled class *
Upset Recognition and Recovery Training Course $10,000 for scheduled class *
Spin Training Course $15,000 for scheduled class *
Formation / Low-Level / Chase Training Course $10,000 for scheduled class *
Crew Resource Management for Flight Testers (CRM) (3 Day Initial) $1,500 for scheduled class *
Crew Resource Management for Flight Testers (CRM) (1 Day Refresher) $500 for scheduled class *
Space Test Course (3 weeks) $11,500 for scheduled class *
 Test Pilot / Flight Test Engineer Consulting / Support (not a course)  TBD for scope required


* Prices listed are for an individual in a scheduled class. Call for pricing and to determine if a course can be scheduled on-demand at NTPS or your location. We can tailor or design courses to meet your specific flight test needs

Course cost is subject to change without notice.
Payment is due prior to the start of each course.  No course slot is secure until payment has been received.  Cancellation fees apply to all courses.  For short courses (6 weeks or less) a 25% cancellation fee applies if canceled within 90 days of the course start date. After the course start date, the cancellation fee is 100%.  For all other courses contact NTPS for our standard terms and conditions concerning cancellation fees. Cost is subject to change without notice.  Please call for current costs.  If a TAA is required for a course the customer should expect to pay a $1000 non-refundable fee for the TAA process (TAA fee is waived for Professional and Cat 2 courses).